Tooth loss is a general healthcare case. A dental implant is one of the tooth replacement alternatives and is not fit for everyone. Hence, when considering tooth replacement, the conventional options of tooth replacement with dentures and bridges should not be overlooked. The diagnosis phase of the planning will aid in determining the causes of the tooth loss and whether dental implants would be an appropriate choice. The main reasons for tooth loss are:
Periodontal disease
Periodontal disease remains one of the most common causes of tooth loss. Patients with missing teeth due to periodontal disease are not poor candidates for dental implant treatment; nevertheless, it is paramount that existing periodontal disease has been treated and stabilized before any consideration of tooth replacement with dental implants. The prognosis of the remaining teeth should also be assessed and incident planning for future loss if the teeth are to be retained. Patients who have lost their teeth due to periodontal infection will usually present with soft and hard tissue loss with complicated treatment conditions and careful treatment planning is crucial to ensure success. Patients who have had the periodontal disease treated and are highly driven have exhibited to have successful implant treatment results, although when compared to non-periodontally susceptible patients, the success rates are slightly lower. These patients will need strict and routine follow-up and supervision care on fulfillment of the implant treatment as they stay at a higher risk of peri-implant disease.

Dental caries
This is the second-most-common cause of tooth loss. The overall caries risk needs to be assessed as this will affect the prognosis of the remaining teeth. The need to contingency plan future loss of teeth that have a compromised prognosis concerning the implant treatment is necessary to ensure a positive outcome.
Endodontic failure
Success rates of endodontically treated teeth remain high; however, often teeth that are endodontically treated will fail either due to recurrent infections apically or due to root fracture. If replacement of these teeth with dental implants is planned, it is important to ensure that the infected tissue is fully removed to guarantee that the outcome of implant treatment remains advantageous. Implants placed in sites with a previous history of recurring apical infections may be at a higher risk of failure, and those placed adjacent to endodontically compromised teeth are also at risk, thus planning should factor in the prognosis of the adjacent teeth in these circumstances.
Dentofacial trauma
Traumatic injuries can be varied and localized to the teeth alone or involve the soft tissues, bone, and facial structures. The difficulties related to replacing the missing teeth are based on tooth injury and extensive tooth tissue loss. When the injury is localized to the teeth only, replacement of the teeth with dental implants will offer a more favorable option providing psychological benefits and improved quality of life.
Congenital absence
The prevalence of patients born with missing teeth remains relatively high and can occur independently or as part of a syndrome. Patients with congenitally missing teeth will often have other anomalies with the absence of adequate space, quality of the gingival tissue, and quantity and quality of bone, thereby needing further integrated interventions to create the required shape, form, and space for the teeth to be replaced with dental implants. The treatment expectations of patients with congenitally missing teeth are usually supported by sentiment as part of the treatment process.

Implants used to facilitate other treatment
Dental implants are increasingly being used to provide anchors for orthodontic tooth movement when natural teeth are compromised. The implants can either be in the form of mini tags or conventional implants. If the latter is used then the position of placement should be planned such that the implants are in the required position at the end of the orthodontic treatment and can then be restored.
It is important to truthfully answer the medical and dental history questions asked by a dentist or indicated in the given chart to prevent any misdiagnosis and maltreatment. Filling out false information can lead to undesirable consequences and the cost will mount up as there will be follow-up procedures. If you are considering having a dental implant, just contact and consult with your dentist for specific details on whether you can undergo the procedure.