
Night Guards



Night Guards

Night Guards are necessary when you grind and/or clench your teeth at night (bruxism), which causes stress on your overall dental structure. Bruxism causes unnecessary stress on your teeth, jaw structure, and surrounding muscles, leading to possible pain and more severe symptoms in the future (check below for detailed symptoms and information). They protect your teeth and jawline from further pain and stress. The Oaks Dental Clinic creates night guards that help guard your teeth, jaw, dental and jaw structure from further pressure. 

Our doctor, with his skill and experience, will create customized night guards of the best quality, responding to all your needs.

Remember that you need to receive the best service when it comes to dental issues, and The Oaks has what you need.

Symptoms of Bruxism

  1. Headaches and soreness in the morning (due to grinding and clenching at night)
  2. Pain around your teeth (face and neck pain)
  3. Stress on your jaw (including a jawbone and surrounding muscles) leading to pain
  4. May grind a prominent amount of your teeth, flattening them
  5. May cause a change in your dental structure
  6. May interfere with a good sleep

You should not be having any of these symptoms. If you do, it is vital to get a check-up and receive necessary treatment. If you do not receive treatment as soon as possible, you will be dealing with more severe symptoms and situations in the future. Make sure you receive all treatments necessary.

          *You may need crowns for grinded teeth or Invisalign for correcting your dental structure. This will be discussed in details with our doctor during your consultation, which is free of charge for our foreign patients.

Night Guards

Customized Night Guards vs Over-the-Counter Night Guards

It may not seem important to have customized night guards, especially when they cost more than over-the-counter night guards. However, there are several vital reasons for you to get customized night guards.

Over-the-counter night guards…

•are not made to fit your jawline, which may, in turn, add more pressure.
•maycause additional stress on your facial structure, causing more headaches.
•may cause improper pressure on your teeth.
•do not last as long as customized night guards.



We create night guards through acrylic, a transparent material strong enough to resist your grinding and clenching at night. This material will provide an ample amount of protection for your teeth from further problems while also keeping from breaking under pressure. Night guards made from other materials do not contain the same amount of strength as acrylic night guards, not able to both provide enough protection and resistance under the pressure of bruxism. Acrylic night guards are strong and durable.

Process & Treatment Time

•We will be making dental impressions of your teeth during your first visit.
•Then, after a week, you will be dropping by to receive your night guards and have us check if it fits you perfectly before you leave.


•Wash them every morning when you remove them from your mouth.
•Do not wear them if they are cracked or damaged in any way.
•Bring the night guards to the clinic for a check-up if you spot any problems.
Night Guards
Night Guards
Night Guards

Next Step 

Possible Treatment