Meet Our Doctors

- Doctor Chulmin Bae
Dr. Chulmin Bae graduated #1 from the top university in Korea, Seoul National University, and carried on to build his expertise through continuous research and studies in Finland and Germany. His years of dedication paid off, now making him one of the top dentists using dental surgical microscopes in the world.
Being one of the few dentists to skillfully handle the most advanced technologies and carry out a vast number of procedures (from teeth to gums and bone structure), he currently teaches dentists from all over the world in training meetings and seminars he holds in Korea and Japan, while running The Oaks Dental Clinic (which he founded) and making a trip to China every month with his crew (to serve those who need dental help).
He speaks fluent English and has the highest level of training in dentistry in the world.

Doctor Chulmin Bae
-Münster University (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), Germany, Master of Implantology (MSD)
-Helsinki School of Economics, e-MBA (Biotechnology Management)
-Studied at Semmelweis Medical School, Hungary (Department of Anatomy)
-Düsseldorf medical School (Heinrich-Heine-Unversität), Germany (Department of Maxillofacial surgery)
-Free Berlin University, Benjamin Franklin Hospital (Department of Maxillofacial surgery)
-Doctor Young Hoon Luke Kim, Head Dentist

Dr. Young Hoon Luke Kim graduated from Kyung-Hee University, a prestigious University of South Korea.
After dedicating countless years into his education, Dr. Kim knows how to bring out the best in any situation. He started his private practice in 1988 and continued to build his career in the best dental clinics in Korea.
Dr. Young Hoon Luke Kim is a member of 11 professional organizations while having taught at 12 universities across the globe and being invited to over 30 associations for his lectures. He was appointed to work at the presidential dentistry from 1998-2002 for the president and his family. He is currently continuing his dental practice at The Oaks Dental Clinic, where the most advanced technologies and best environment allow him to bring out the best of his skills.

Doctor Young Hoon Luke Kim
Head Dentist
-The Graduate School of Business Administration, Medical MBA (Kyung-Hee University)
-The Graduate School of Business Administration, AMP (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
-Founder, Main Lecturer, Ghil Clinical Dental Institute
-Founder, Professor, Gachun Ghil College, Dental Hygiene School
-Director, Dept. of Strategic Planning in Ghil Medical Center
-President Dentist (Mr. Kim Dae Jung's and family's)
Current Status:
-Director, MDEI, Medical and Dental Education Institute
-Head Director, ShengDeYingLan Dental Clinic in Mun Jin Hospital (Beijing)
-Director, YueShang Dental Clinic in Mun Jin Hospital (Shanghai)
-Head Director, Imperial Palace Medical Center (Seoul)
-Co-Director, The Oaks Dental Clinic (Seoul)
Doctor Yoon Euy Hong

Doctor Yoon-Euy Hong, having his degrees earned in New York University’s College of Dentistry, was chosen the graduate of honor with the Master’s degree of Periodontics. He has then been giving lectures to numerous dental institutes and associations around the world, adding up to more than 200 sessions.
Dr. Hong didn’t stop with his study in the meantime. He has continued to research, attain various techniques and build his knowledge by accumulating experiences as a visiting scholar in different dental centers and clinics. His keen interest in education and vast knowledge obtained from countless years of experience led him to be designated the director of several prestigious dental institutes.
He is a dentist certified by the American Board of Periodontology (ABP), specializing in advanced implant surgery, soft tissue regeneration surgery, bone graft, and periodontal tissue regeneration surgery.

Doctor Yoon Euy Hong
-Graduate of honor, New York University (NYU), College of Dentistry, Master of Periodontics
-New York University (NYU), College of Dentistry, Master of Prosthodontics Professor, New York University (NYU), College of Dentistry, Implantology/ Periodontics
-Certified periodontologist of American Board of Periodontology (ABP)
-Diplomat, American Board of Periodontology
-Adjunct professor, Samsung Medical Center, Dept. of Dentistry
-Chairman of the board, Seoincheon Highschool
-Awarded Master Clinician 2006, New York University (NYU), College of Dentistry
-Awarded Chief Resident 2003, New York -University (NYU), College of Dentistry
-Attending surgeon / Consultant of St. Andrews Dental, Singapore
-Visiting Scholar, Brånemark Center, Halmstad, Sweden (1996)
-Visiting Scholar, Dr. Henry Dental Implant Clinic, Perth (1997)
-Guest lecturer, American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), Boston, USA (2007)
-Guest lecturer, Australasian Osseointegration Society (AOS), Gold Coast, Australia (2008)
-Guest lecturer, American Academy of Periodontolgy (AAP), Miami, USA & Vancouver, Canada (2011, 2018)
-Guest lecturer, World Clinical Laser Institute, San Diego, USA (2009)
-Director, Geistlich Pharma Dept. of Soft tissue regeneration, Switzerland
Director, Osstem Implant Research & Education Center
-Gave over 200 lectures internationally (Columbia University, U Penn)